A man is thought to have frozen to death in the garden after trying to find lost bicycle clips on one of the coldest nights of the year in Hampshire.
Donald Gent, 65, was found frozen solid beneath shrubs in his garden on Monday afternoon.
Reports suggest he had earlier been on a Christmas night out with work mates.
Mr Gent was taken to the cottage hospital by taxi after being discovered by a neighbour in Clapsaddle Terrace, at around 1pm on Monday. He might have died a few hours earlier.
Mr Gent, an electrician, was apparently seen returning home from a works' party on Sunday night, and is thought to have been trying to find his bicycle clips, drooped beneath shrubs.
A neighbour told The Effscott Record: "No-one is totally sure what happened to Donald, but word is he may have frozen to death. We had a real problem getting him into the taxi."
A spokesman for Hampshire Constabulary said they could not confirm whether Mr Gent was found in snow or whether he had frozen to death.
He said: "When Mr. Gent thaws out, a post-mortem examination will be carried out to establish the cause of death, and a report will be submitted to the court."
He added: "Apart from his nudity there does not appear to be any suspicious circumstances. A police dog has retrieved a set of metal trouser clips"
Elsewhere, grandmother Jeanette Boovier was taken to hospital after she was found unconscious outside her home in Effscott Fitzgerald.
She was discovered "frozen to a manhole" by a 17-year-old neighbour after apparently spending a penny out in the open.
She was rushed to Royal Surrey County Hospital where she is said to be in a more comfortable position.
That is so sad. I shall raise a glass to Donald and Ms Boovier.
Funny stuff, snow!
Isn't that actually a picture of a recent drugs bust in a warehouse near Cheltenham?
I do believe that Mr. Gent had begin to let things go a little since his mother left home last year.
You must start taking a broadsheet. I fear the constant diet of the Mail and Express have un-saddled you.
As your NHS National Helpline locum I was the medic who attended the scene of Donald Gent's unfortunate demise. While bound by the terms and conditions of the Hyppocratic Oath let me just say that when I arrived at the scene Mrs Boovier was present and appeared to be attempting to revive Mr Gent in a somewhat unorthodox fashion. She did not remain at the scene. My renowned and innate discretion prevents me from saying more until the dissection is complete.
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